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Idea Imagine that every day you and your coworkers need to create a lot of resources on AWS for work. So how to simplify the process of managing, operating, and tracking usage costs? One of the popular methods is tagging. Not everyone can remember having to tag resources upon initialization. Thus, tagging of resources is […]
Security has always been a business concern when moving to the cloud, especially for businesses that store user data such as banking, finance, real estate, and insurance. Therefore, VTI Cloud will share our cloud security checklist for systems on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the article below. AWS Shared Responsibility Model Security and compliance are […]
Data is a precious resource for any modern business. The information a company collects about its customers, its operations, its products, and services is vital not only to its efficient day-to-day running but its survival. Being able to properly store, secure, and retrieve data effectively can make all the difference in providing exceptional customer experiences, […]
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