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what’s up at VTI
Data is a precious resource for any modern business. The information a company collects about its customers, its operations, its products, and services is vital not only to its efficient day-to-day running but its survival. Being able to properly store, secure, and retrieve data effectively can make all the difference in providing exceptional customer experiences, […]
Amazon on Wednesday launched AWS for Games, a dedicated set of products and services from AWS and its partners specifically for the gaming industry. It’s the latest initiative from Amazon Web Services and its competitors to underscore the big market opportunity that gaming represents for cloud providers. Gaming has been an important market for Amazon […]
In our last few posts, we’ve talked about two of the architectural and operational weapons of Cloud Native: containers & dynamic management. However, when I go out and talk to Cloud Native users I find that containers and orchestrators aren’t always where they started. Many companies begin with microservices and don’t adopt containers until later. In […]
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