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what’s up at VTI
Điện toán đám mây (Cloud Computing) ngày càng được sử dụng rộng rãi và phát triển. Việc ứng dụng sâu về bảo mật trên đám mây có thể giúp doanh nghiệp linh hoạt hơn và giảm độ phức tạp về quản lý thiết bị trong hệ thống. Tuy nhiên, vẫn còn tồn tại một số […]
As an advanced partner of Amazon Web Services, VTI Cloud provides comprehensive solutions from migration, application modernization, operations to customer support with AWS bill payment. The following article will answer questions about ownership, security, as well as the benefits of billing AWS payment through partner VTI Cloud – Advanced Consulting Partner of AWS Vietnam. Operation […]
In the article “AWS responds to Anthos and Azure Arc with Amazon EKS Anywhere“, VTI Cloud mentions promising new updates of Amazon Web Services (AWS) related to containers. One of the services centrally focused on by AWS in 2021 is the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). This article is an overview for beginners with Amazon Elastic […]
“The cloud is a new benchmark”. This is the statement of Andy Jassy – CEO of Amazon Web Service in the opening of re:Invent in 2014. So how do businesses now use this “new standard” effectively? How do I move physical and virtualized server systems to the cloud? And choose what ways and tools to maintain the continuity […]
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