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Các instance database dòng AWS Graviton2 hiện có thể sử dụng rộng rãi (generally available) cho Dịch vụ cơ sở dữ liệu quan hệ của Amazon (RDS). Các Amazon RDS Instance dòng Graviton2 cung cấp cải thiện hiệu suất lên đến 35% và cải thiện hiệu suất / giá lên đến 52% cho cơ sở […]
According to Marketing Charts, 82% of marketers worldwide consider email marketing to be the main strategy for increasing leads and conversion rates. Taking advantage of the increasing demand for email, the use of tools to promote information such as email marketing has also become more popular than ever, many providers have quickly launched a variety […]
We’ve heard a lot about the term “serverless,” how they work, and the benefits that your application brings. A serverless service in general will not require any server provision to run the application. When you run an application on serverless, users will not have to worry about setting up the operating system, patching, or extending […]
Data is a precious resource for any modern business. The information a company collects about its customers, its operations, its products, and services is vital not only to its efficient day-to-day running but its survival. Being able to properly store, secure, and retrieve data effectively can make all the difference in providing exceptional customer experiences, […]
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