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Amazon Web Services (AWS) has over 200 full-features services for a variety of technologies, industries, and uses; with such a large number of services AWS often confuses beginners even professionals. This is especially true when it comes to the storage services AWS offers its users. Knowing the benefits and use cases of storage services will […]
In the re:Inevent 2020 series, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has come up with key strategies for 2021, with many new container-related services and updates. 2021 promises to be the year of the container with many new updates, with VTI Cloud learning about the services, as well as AWS efforts related to containers in the article below. New services recently […]
About 10 years ago, the question “Why migrate to Amazon Web Services?” often referred to as “sarcasm”. Why? Will this question still be satirical in 2021 and beyond? Let’s discuss with VTI Cloud! Components of IT system Since the concept of cloud computing started in the years from 2008 to 2012, almost every online service […]
Hybrid cloud is the most popular cloud deployment model, accounting for 42% of cloud deployment & cloud migration strategies, according to a report by Denodo Global Cloud Survey 2020 (see more here). Hybrid Cloud is gradually becoming a ‘general’ standard for businesses. Hybrid cloud is a solution that combines a private cloud with one or […]
Idea Imagine that every day you and your coworkers need to create a lot of resources on AWS for work. So how to simplify the process of managing, operating, and tracking usage costs? One of the popular methods is tagging. Not everyone can remember having to tag resources upon initialization. Thus, tagging of resources is […]
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