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If you’re still building and delivering your software applications the traditional way then you are missing out on a major innovation in the Software Development Process or Software Development Life Cycle. To show you what I’m talking about, in this article I will share “How to create a CI CD Pipeline with Jenkins, Containers and Amazon […]
Data is a precious resource for any modern business. The information a company collects about its customers, its operations, its products, and services is vital not only to its efficient day-to-day running but its survival. Being able to properly store, secure, and retrieve data effectively can make all the difference in providing exceptional customer experiences, […]
Dòng gp3 chính thức được ra mắt từ đầu tháng 12/2020 với những tính năng vượt trội. Tổng quan Một trong những vấn đề hay gặp phải trong quá trình triển khai hệ thống cho khách hàng, đặc biệt với những hệ thống chạy nhiều VM (máy ảo), đó là việc các máy chủ cần […]
Cloud computing has been a trend, especially after the Covid 19 epidemic, so the demand for self-study and learning about Amazon Web Services is also increasing. Join VTI Cloud to learn how to create an AWS Free Tier account to experience more than 85 Amazon Web Services products and services in the article below. What […]
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